Stories of leaks and hacks on businesses operating in the cloud leave many people wondering, is it really safe?
While securing your data can present challenges, these can be addressed when you have access to the right information. You’ll actually find that when design and delivery of the cloud environment are managed correctly, your data is better protected than it was before.
There’s far more to security than perimeter control. You also need to be making informed choices around managing the migration process, putting in place stringent authentication processes, segmenting the environment, compliance and policy control, business continuity in the event of a disaster, monitoring threats and more.
That’s a lot to take responsibility for when you’re not a cloud expert. It requires an increasingly diverse set of skills. Investing in your team’s expertise is a solid strategy for managing security.
Qirx in a box is designed to address the full gamut of factors influencing cloud security – from data management to end-user devices. It will arm you with a detailed understanding of the risks and weak points associated with cloud-based security.
Essentially, cloud security identifies risks and addresses them. To be effective, it should be tailored to your operational needs. This is crucial to increase resilience and ensure a robust platform in the ever-changing digital environment.
Qirx in a Box takes a holistic approach to develop a system with optimal security for your workplace. With over 150 individual templates included, you’ll have everything required to confidently eliminate weak spots before the transition even begins.
With more businesses seeking to attract and retain the best talent flexible working arrangements are increasingly common. The problem is, this leaves you open to the risk associated with managing a range of apps and technology across various devices.
Understanding how your cloud can be inadvertently compromised from within is essential to keeping it secure.
With proven security processes built in throughout the cloud life cycle, Qirx in a Box gives you full visibility of your cloud projects. You can monitor safety and compliance with ease and confidence.
Above all, consistent documentation that addresses the needs and expectations of all users will facilitate smooth staff handovers. The result? Less downtime and increased security.
Qirx in a Box provides knowledge of current best practice relating to cloud security. An intricate working knowledge of the infrastructure in place will ensure you feel secure in the shifting cloud environment.
If you choose to outsource to third parties from here, you can do so fully equipped to evaluate their suggested actions as an informed customer. As a result, you’ll secure the best outcome for your organisation now, and long into the future.
To ensure that your vision is brought to life on time and fit for purpose Qirx in a Box also includes the following templates:
When brought together these ensure your team intimately understands your cloud. By creating in-house cloud experts you can maintain control of the process. Staffing costs are reduced and knowledge sharing is enhanced for long-term benefits.
When applied to only one pillar of the cloud lifecycle you are looking at up to 200 days of consultancy costs. Multiply that by six and you have an appreciation for the immense cost of applying all of the above across each pillar required to reach digital maturity.
That’s why you need a system that turns everyday IT people into cloud experts.
Qirx in a Box does just that for only $2,125 per month. That’s about a quarter of the FTE for a skilled cloud developer. Investing in Qirx in a Box will save weeks of your time and at least $85,000 in consulting costs.
What would this peace of mind cost if you used external consultants? Use the Value Demonstrator to find out.
We welcome the opportunity the discuss with you how Qirx in a Box enables you to secure your data against threats.
For more on how Qirx in a Box turns everyday IT people into cloud experts, contact us today.